MSBuild error - This version of Microsoft.Web.Sdk used by this project is insufficient to support references to libraries targeting .NET Standard 1.5 or higher. Please install 2.0 or higher of the .NET Core SDK.

MsBuild error publishing ASP.NET MVC referencing .NET Standard library

Breathing new life into a “legacy” ASP.NET website is a way you can help slowly transition the site towards ASP.NET Core. One way you might accomplish that is by referencing .NET Standard libraries. Everything seems fine and dandy until you attempt a publish operation. Generally you might not notice these until running msbuild from command-line–such as in a CI environment, batch deploy script, or otherwise. Let’s talk about one major msbuild error you’ll encounter while publishing your ASP.NET MVC application that references a .NET standard library. We’ll also talk about some other errors that might arise in the process.

Satellite dishes

Using WCF With .NET Core

Recently I was going through the motions upgrading an ASP.NET Core 2.0 website to 2.2. Overall the process was fairly straightforward, minus some gotchas. We were attempting to switch the website from targeting the full framework (net47) to target netcoreapp2.2 but that caused a cascade of problems. One such problem was WCF. Today we’ll discuss using WCF with .NET Core and some of the gotchas you may run into.

Shipping containers

Session management in DotNetCore web applications

Last month we talked about Cookie management in DotNetCore web applications and introduced a generic cookie service. Today we’re going to look at an alternative option for storing user data. Session state is a server store of information linked to a browsing session. Today let’s look at a technique for generic session management in dotnetcore web applications.


Throttling requests in .NET Core web applications

Last year I worked on a team migrating a large application to ASP.NET Core from ASP.NET MVC 5. Among our goals we wanted to make the site use responsive layout, become “future-proofed” on a technology stack, and clean-up a bunch of legacy cruft. Our initial launch did not go smoothly and we reverted to the previous site to make changes. In the process we learned some “gotchas”.  Today I’m going to discuss one of those and how we addressed it. We’ll learn about throttling requests in .NET Core web applications. 

chocolate chip cookies

Cookie management in DotNetCore web applications

For those of us used to cookies in traditional ASP.NET the switch to ASP.NET Core might leave us scratching our heads. In the old system we were able to directly add and remove cookies from both the request and response objects (for better or worse). This might have led to us writing and overwriting the same cookie multiple times during a request as different portions of code affected it. DotNetCore has changed the game and that’s a good thing, trust me. Today we’re going to learn a technique for cookie management in DotNetCore web applications.