.NET Core JSON Serialization Changes – Newtonsoft vs System.Text.Json

I’ve been using Microsoft .NET for a long time. I started my programming journey learning C# on .NET 1.0 right after it’s initial release. In that time I have only experienced a breaking change twice. Once with WCF configuration in my app.config, and recently with the JSON serialization (or deserialization, as it were). For those upgrading a .NET Core 2.x application to .NET Core 3.x, you’ll want to be aware of some changes in the defaults. Today let’s talk about .NET Core and how it handles JSON serialization (and deserialization).

Managing Technology in the Home – Striking a Balance

I’m both a geek and a nerd. Be that the case, one should assume my children will suffer at least one if not both of those affectations as well. One would be correct. Our household is full of technological implements. Given the range of variety of options, it becomes important to control access. I want to talk about managing technology in the home.

Dependency Inversion Principle – Getting Solid with SOLID – Part 5

Software development has been around for a while. As technology advances so does the need to establish patterns and principles for healthy application development. We know one of those patterns as SOLID. The “D” represents Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP) which is our topic for today.

Photo by Tianyi Ma on Unsplash

Mocking IQueryable Extensions with Moq

Unit testing is the base level of the testing pyramid and thus a vital cornerstone of effective software development. In order to effectively unit test your code you should make use of SOLID design principles and mocking frameworks. That said, it isn’t always easy to accomplish such as mocking IQueryable Extensions.

Interface segregation

Interface Segregation Principle – Getting Solid with SOLID – Part 4

Software engineering, like other trades, is something that can be done in many ways. Throughout the years people have established patterns and practices to help craft good software. One set of design principles we’ve been discussing is SOLID. Robert C. Martin coded the Interface Segregation Principle (ISP) which “I” represents.

Guys discussing project

How to Code Review Effectively

Modern software development is complex. New technologies emerge at a breakneck pace. Best practices, patterns, recommendations, and samples are a dime a dozen. Any team larger than one is faced with how to address differences in style, knowledge, and discipline. Perhaps one of the most important tools in your arsenal here is an an effective code review. Let’s look today at some ideas on how to code review effectively.

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Liskov Substitution Principle – Getting Solid with SOLID ā€“ Part 3

Software engineering principles and patterns help us craft good clean software. One such pattern is an acronym we know as SOLID. ā€œLā€ represents the Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP) which was coined by Barbara Liskov in 1987. Today I focus on Liskov Substitution Principle and how we apply it in modern application development.