
Unit Testing Auth0 Scripts

Unit Testing Auth0 Scripts isn’t exactly easy. Come see how to make it possible with a little magic and elbow grease.

You’re a good developer. You like testing your code. Security is important to you, so you also decide that you’ll use a 3rd party service for authentication and choose Auth0. Out-of-the-box, however, doesn’t quite get you what you need so you add some custom rules and scripts to it. You realize, however, that even though these scripts run in a NodeJS instance on their side, they don’t follow conventional patterns. How do I go about unit testing auth0 scripts, you ask yourself?

Photo by Tianyi Ma on Unsplash

Mocking IQueryable Extensions with Moq

Unit testing is the base level of the testing pyramid and thus a vital cornerstone of effective software development. In order to effectively unit test your code you should make use of SOLID design principles and mocking frameworks. That said, it isn’t always easy to accomplish such as mocking IQueryable Extensions.

How unit testing made me a better developer

Developing yourself as a software engineer is important for progression. One tool you should incorporate in your arsenal is unit testing. What are unit tests? Why should I write them? What part do they play in my success or that of my software? Today I’m going to talk about how practicing this principle made me a better developer.